Spring/Summer Practice Schedule:
As of 3/12/12, we are now on our Summer Practice schedule:
- Mon. at 5.45 pm
- Weds. at 5.45 pm
- Sat. at 8.45 am.
Practices run roughly 2 hours, with some practices going up to 3 hours for competitive crews.
PFDs are mandatory until the water warms up in the spring.
Novices are welcome to join us on Saturday but should contact us first to confirm there will be practice.
Return to Waterway 18:
As of 5/1/10, we have returned to our permanent location at Waterway 18 on Lake Union (here). For more information, see the SOCC Street Location page.
PNW-ORCA 2010 Race Results:
Our PNW-ORCA 2010 racing season has begun. For more information, see the 2010 Race Results page.
Greenlake Sprints – SOCC took fourth overall.
Manu K. Baker Sprints (Spannaway) – As a team SOCC finished third.
Rusty Iron – We had 3 crews at the Rusty Iron in Portland on 4/24. Everyone did well and had a great time, including several novice paddlers who were racing their first races.
Spring/Summer Practice schedule:
We’ve officially switched to our spring/summer practice schedule on Mon/Weds/Sat (note that this differs from our previous Tues/Thurs/Sat schedule).
As of 5/10/10, our practice schedule is:
- Monday evenings, 5.45PM
- Wednesday evenings, 5.45PM
- Saturday mornings: 9AM
Be prepared for “Junuary” weather and dress accordingly. Feet get cold easily, so rubber boots or neoprene booties are helpful. Hats and windbreakers or vests are also good. Bring water too.